Step 2: Editorial Approval
After your article has been correctly uploaded, the journal manager (that's me!) sends copies to our two senior editors (Heather Campbell and Robert Upton). They will both read your work, and then have a private discussion about its merits and demerits. This will lead to a decision about the article’s future. Three outcomes can result:
If the editors are happy that your submission makes a clearly argued, high quality contribution to the field, they will tell me to send it straight to referees. Editors will only do this if they feel that the paper shows enough potential that it may be publishable at a future point.
If the editors feel that your submission has something to say, but needs further work, they will send it back to you with some personal advice about how to improve it. You can resubmit it at a later date, but it’s a good idea to do a thorough rewrite before you try again.
If the editors think that the submission needs a huge amount of work, or would be more suitable for another journal, they will reject it.
We aim to pass all papers through editorial review within 3 weeks.